Every success starts with a plan!
Before we start rolling out the ultimate House system at your school, we need to draft up a House building plan.
Whether your House system needs just a little boost, or requires a full overhaul, a House building plan will ensure we successfully meet your goals.
To ensure your House Building plan is tailored to achieve the House system you desire, we obtain a thorough understanding of your school's values, needs and priorities, by conducting a House appraisal. This House appraisal assists us in creating a customised House building plan for your school.
A House building plan is a term by term guide, designed to increase the momentum of your House system as we follow each step. Your House building plan includes innovative student leadership topics, creative and highly effective House ideas, loads of exciting and inclusive House activities, as well as some useful tips.
Ask Our House Spirit to conduct a House appraisal for your school today, so we can start planning your successful House system!